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Well most of the time when someone wakes up, it is during a dream. Dreams only occure in REM, or Rapid Eye Movement. During this time as the name says, your eyes are moving very rapidly. During REM our bodies have an elevated and irregular heart rate, and irregular breathing. If you wake up during REM the irregular breathing, and heart rate will be noticed. The fast hearbeat itself. Your body will notice something is wrong, and wake you up. If the something that is wrong just so happens to be your heart rate, then, well, that s what happens! P>Additional Info: This can happen for many reason, one of which is mentioned above. Another is waking during a nightmare that you don't remember, which happens more often than you would guess. That falling feeling, or spinning feeling that jolts you awake is one of those nightmares even though you may be just falling asleep. Pain, usually headahes, but not limited to them, can cause you to awaken with you heart beating fast, and sometimes you will also be sweaty if pain is the cause. Reflux will cause you to wake up with your heart pounding. If you wake before it gets bad and rushes up your throat, you won't even realize that you had it, unless you stay awake for a while and have another surge of it. Also, if you are taking any medications, many have this as a side effect, you should check the bottles, or the information you received from the pharamcy. Then there is the sleep disorders and heart conditions, these need to be checked by your Dr. Generally I would recommend that you see your Dr. concerning this if it happens often enough to worry you, or disturb your sleep patterns. It could be serious and anything that steals your sleep, or worries you is important and should be treated as such.</P>

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2d ago

Waking up with a fast heartbeat, also known as nocturnal heart palpitations, can be caused by stress, anxiety, caffeine intake, or sleep disorders like sleep apnea. It is important to monitor this symptom and consult with a healthcare provider if it persists or is accompanied by other concerning symptoms.

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Q: What causes a person to wake up in the night with a fast heartbeat?
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Extrasystoles (also known as premature atrial or ventricular contractions) can be caused by a variety of factors including caffeine, stress, certain medications, electrolyte imbalances, and heart conditions such as cardiomyopathy or coronary artery disease. In some cases, they may occur without a known cause.

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Shortness of breath and fatigue can be caused by various factors such as heart conditions, lung diseases, anemia, thyroid issues, or simply being out of shape. It is important to consult a healthcare provider to determine the underlying cause and receive appropriate treatment.

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Fast food is convenient for a quick meal on the go, saving time for busy individuals. It is also usually inexpensive compared to dining at a sit-down restaurant.

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The amount of weight you can lose with Slim Fast varies for each individual based on factors such as starting weight, diet, and exercise. On average, people typically lose 1-2 pounds per week with a calorie-controlled diet like Slim Fast. It's important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any weight loss program.

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This happens when you are new to a game. A newcomer may have conflicting ideas on what to do, making him/her panick slightly. This causes a small amount of medical stress, and stress includes an adrenaline rush and increased heartbeat.

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How fast. Normal is 60-90,faster is not good. Is it regular? Irregular is really not good if it is a new problem.

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Usual cause of irregular heartbeat in toddles is sinus arrhythmia in which the heart rate varies during the phases if respiration. This is normal. However many congenital heart diseases can cause arrhythmia and those children need proper evaluation.

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When does a baby have a heartbeat? A baby's heartbeat can be detected by transvaginal ultrasound as early as 3 to 4 weeks after conception, or 5 to 6 weeks after the first day of the last menstrual period. This early embryonic heartbeat is fast, often about 160-180 beats per minutes, twice as fast as us adults'!

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A bird's heartbeat depends on the bird in question. A hummingbird for example can have a heartbeat of about 180 beats per minute.

What is the word root for pertaining to the heart beat?

The word root for pertaining to the heart beat is &quot;cardio-&quot; which derives from the Greek word &quot;kardia&quot;, meaning heart, and &quot;pulse&quot;, meaning rhythm or beat.

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Ativan can cause a fast heartbeat especially when you first start taking it.

Are bunny heart beats supposed to beat fast?

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