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Q: What causes a pug sound like she has the croup when coughing?
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What does croup sound like?

A Croup cough sounds an awful like a seal bark. It has a high pitched sound to it.

How can one recognize a croup cough?

Coughing does not have to be contagious (catching). Coughing is a reflex to an irritant in the bronchial tubes, causing spasms. There are many causes for coughing, however, most causes of a cough are not contagious. Those coughs which can be contagious are -- viral colds, viral bronchitis, viral pneumonia, Pertussis (Whopping Cough), Influenza, Respiratory Syncytial Virus, and Tuberculosis.

What does a coughing sound sound like?

It sounds more like a short, sharp wheeze than an actual cough like humans make.

Can nine to twelve year olds get croup?

Yes they can. It is more rare but still possible. Also teenagers or adults who get Croup typically do not have the severe problems that babies and young children with it do. They typically simply get a cool-mist humidifier and maybe cough medication of some type.

What condition causes a needle like pain and increases with inspiration and coughing?

Pleurisy (Pleuritis)

Why does my baby sound like shes choking?

Maybe because she wants to be burped or just has to develop her coughing.

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Is your oil level?

Does Justin Bieber like coughing?

no he does not... who would?

What does an x-ray of croup look like?

cloudy x ray seen like pneumonia phringeal presser seen

What disease causes an infant to sound like a cat when crying?

It is not a disease its a disorder called the cry of the cat thus the infant sound like a cat crying. It is caused by genetics

What words Sound of ou like in soup?

Uncouth Croup Group Troupe