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Q: What causes a rock to metamorphose?
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The rock type which results from metamorphosed shale is?

Shale can metamorphose into slate, which can metamorphose into phyllite, which can metamorphose into schist, which can metamorphose into gneiss.

What does sedimentary rock become when it is metamorphosed?

It becomes a metamorphic rock. Sandstone can metamorphose into quartzite. Limestone can metamorphose into marble. Shale can metamorphose into slate.

If the sedimentary rock limestone is subjected to metamorphism what metamorphic rock will likely form?

Limestone can metamorphose into marble, a regional metamorphic rock, or into skarn, a contact metamorphic rock.

How does sedimantary rock change into metamorphic rock?

When the sedimentary rock gets pressed with great pressure, it'll turn to metamorphic rock. Also, heating of the sedimentary rock by igneous intrusions will metamorphose it.

Is a frog a metamorphose?

they metamorphose from a tadpole to a frog.

Is limestone a medaphic rock?

A what rock...?Limestone is sedimentary - the other two classes are igneous and metamorphic.Limestone will metamorphose in suitable conditions of heat and pressure, into marble.

What does movement of the earth's crust in which very large portions of rock metamorphose usually result in?

earthquakes, volcanoes, mountains

Can gneiss metamorphose into phyllite?

No. Phyllite can metamorphose into schist and then into gneiss.

What is does it mean to metamorphose?

To metamorphose is for something to change into something else.

What would cause a metamorphic rock to surround magma?

If the magma intruded into some other rock, its heat and pressure would tend to metamorphose the surrounding rock near to it, producing a body of magma surrounded by metamorphic rock.

Which two rocks metamorphose into marble?

Limestone and dolostone can metamorphose into marble.

What does sandstone change to?

That depends on what happens to it. If it is sufficiently heated and compressed it will metamorphose to quartzite.