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hate to break it for you, but i guess it is warm and wet this ''sensation'', might wanne consider aiming inside the toilet....

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Q: What causes a sensation in the palm of the hands and the ankles while urinating?
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Well it sounds like a pinched nerve.Years ago I had same. it turned out that I had tarsal tunnel syndrome.Which is similar to carpal. Also may be peripheral neuropothy. Common in diabetics but can be "idiopathic" or unknown. Can be isolated to one area of hands & or feet. But, may also appear in face and jaw. Regardless a burning sensation is most likely nerve-based as previously posted.

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because it does some thing wrong with u buddy consult urologist immediately their is nothing connected to your hands while urinating Hey, this was a legit question... no funny business here... I urinate like any other guy out there, but quite often both hands experience mild pain... I just want to know why? Anyone else out there have that experience?

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fatigue, high blood pressure, and swelling. Swelling is most notable in the hands, feet, ankles and face.

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