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check your shock absorber

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Q: What causes a squeaky noise when your car hits a bump?
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What happens when a llama hits a bump?

what happens is when a llama hit's a bump it just ignores it but makes a burr noise and that is all it does so when you see a llama hit a bump sometimes it might do that.

What causes a metal grinding sound from the rear a car when going over a bump?

It actually can be from the rear axle being too low to the ground. The back of the car hits the speed bump. That was the case with my bro's car anyway

If a tie rod end is broken in the rear of a 1999 Mazda 626 does it make a loud banging noise when it hits in bump?

It's possible, yes. Anything that is broken or loose will create an abnormal noise during normal operation, especially if the vehicle is traveling over uneven surfaces.

What are the 3types of hits in volleyball?


What is the pattern of hits for the offense in volleyball?

Bump, Set, Spike.

What is the idea order of hits in a valleyball?

bump, set, spike

Why does Vehicle shakes when it hits a bump?

Usuly the shocks are wore out

What is the idea order of hits in volleyball?

First you have to bump. Then set. Then spike.

Will bad struts cause a s what kind of noise would a bad stuts cause?

A broken strut will cause a bumping sound when the wheel hits a pothole or bump. It will also make the same sound if the wheel spins under hard acceleration.

What is the order of hits a team can hit in volleyball to get it over the net?

bump, set, spike

What do you do when your aunt hits you with the door and you get a major bump?

Let your parents deal with her assuming intentional.

What three main hits are used to get the volleyball over the net?

smash a bump and a volley