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They are called varicose veins and they are a result of faulty valves in the veins that allow blood to pool or flow back instead of going forward and the vein then bulges.

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Q: What causes abnormally swollen veins in legs?
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Any cure for swollen legs due to water retention?

Swollen legs are often due to weakness of the leg veins which have to circulate the blood against gravity. When they are weak, blood pools in the veins so that fluid leaks into the tissues. This causes swollen legs. Pregnancy causes swollen legs due to the weight of the baby on the pelvic veins. Kidney problems and heart problems can also cause swollen legs and ankles. If the problem is not due to pregnancy, and if your doctor confirms that your heart and kidneys are ok, then don't take diuretics as they can make the problem worse.

How do you know you have a twisted vein?

Twisted vein can also be varicose veins. If you have a varicose veins, you can see large veins running across your skin. Your legs or calves can be a little bit swollen. Your legs will also feel heavy and achy.

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What is varicosity veins?

Varicose veins are veins that are swollen and sometimes painful. They may also be twisted and can have more blood in them then normal.

What causes varicose veins and how do I get rid of them?

I think those varicose veins are like blood vechiles which go on your legs. I don't know that causes of them. But webmd, a website would or could know that.

What Varicos Viens?

Varicose Veins are swollen, distended, enlarged veins which often appear twisted and gnarled. They are most visible on the lower legs, and most common in older people. Besides on the legs, they can also appear in internal sites such as the esophagus or intestines. Hemorrhoids are varicose veins in the anus. Varicose veins in the scrotum are called varicocele, often occurring in teens or young men.

Your legs are so weak will varicose veins cauce this?

Varicose veins can cause varying degrees of discomfort, including aching heavy legs (especially at night or after hard exercise). Generally, varicose veins would not cause your legs to become extremely weak unless they formed painful ulcers externally. Consult your doctor for other possible causes.

Which term is when veins swoolen veins in her legs?

Varicose veins.

Why feet swollen?

Swollen feet are a condition in which muscles in the feet have an excessive fluid. This excessive fluid can be causes of increasing weight. It is also called Edema which usually affects the feet, lower legs and ankles.

How do spider monkeys get name?

from their abnormally long arms and legs.

What causes varicose veins?

There are two causes are there for the same probably. One is the pressure of the growing uterus on the abdominal veins. That increase the pressure in the leg veins. So they become tortuous. That is varicose. The other reason is related to increased level of pregnancy hormones. The exact contribution of the both is not known to me. You may ask the lady to sleep on the side to prevent the compression of the abdominal veins. But you can not ask her to maintain that position during the sleep.

Why are my legs getting a lot of big green veins?

if they are on the back of your knees and legs they might be slightly turning into varicose veins.