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For an animal to become endangered, it first would have had to have a large population to begin with. As a result of poachers, loss of habitat, lack of food, lack of adaptation, the members of the species would slowly die out, not going into total extinction. Wildlife conservations catch these animals and breed them in captivity in hopes to replenish the populations.

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13y ago

Animals or plants become endangered when so many die that they are unable to replace the population. Therefor, the numbers of the species decline and soon it is close to extinction.

Things that commonly are causes for species to become endangered today include deforestation, poaching or overfishing, and even global warming and pollution.

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Q: What causes an animal or plant to become endangered?
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What do you do when a endangered animal eats endangered plants?

Propagate the plant and save the animal. The plants are not likely to become extinct by dint of being eaten by the animal. However, the animal is far more likely to become extinct by loss of its fodder.

When will endangered animals die out?

When the last individual organism dies the animal or plant will become extinct.

What would you do if an endangered animal is eating an endangered plant?

There really is nothing you can do except try and separate the animal from the plant.

What do you do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant?

you call an animal expert.

If the endangered animal eats a endangered pland wouldn't it just die off after the plant goes extinct?

Yes they will become extinct. Not all the time... some endangered animals that eat endangered plants also eat other plants that might not be endangered... therefore they can live off another plant when to endangered plant goes extinct!!!! :)

When an animal or plant may become extinct it is called?

It's called Endangered if a species is threatened to go extinct.

What to do if an endangered animal eats endangered plants?

Take the plant, put it in your yard, take the animal, put it in a zoo.

What effect does an animal or plant have on the ecosystem if it becomes extinct?

If something else eats a plant or animal that becomes extinct, it might become endangered. But it would most likely just find something else to eat.

When a type of animal or plant dies out it is said to have become what?

The plant or animal is said to have become extinct.

An animal or plant that is so rare that it os threatened with extinction?

endangered species

What is an endangered organism?

An endangered organism can be a plant or an animal whose population has reduced to such a small number that it is very existence is in danger .

What mean endangered?

If an animal or plant is endangered, it means that threats to its survival are considerable, and that action must be taken to ensure its continued existence. This action often takes place in particular forms of greater protection for the animal or plant's habitat.