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Alka-Seltzer contains aspirin, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and citric acid. When placed in water, the tablet dissolves. The citric acid reacts with the baking soda, and gives off carbon dioxide, which makes bubbles in the water. If you have heartburn, that is caused by too much stomach acid. The baking soda in an Alka-Seltzer counteracts the stomach acid.

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Q: What causes an exothermic reaction with alka seltzer?
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Is the reaction of Alka-Seltzer and water endothermic or exothermic?


Is Alka Seltzer in water a endothermic or exothermic reaction?

The dissolution is endothermic.

What causes endothermic reaction with alka seltzer and water?

The Alka-Seltzer tablet contains citric acid and sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). When put in water, those two 'chemicals' react. The warmer the water, the faster the reaction.

What evidence of a chemical reaction might you see by dropping an alka seltzer in water?

its a chemical reaction becase once the alka seltzer melts you cant take it out and put it back together

Does the temperature have any effect on the reaction of water with alka-seltzer?

Ultimately, the temperature has little effect of the reaction of water and Alka-Seltzer. However, warmer water will make the reaction occur and finish a bit faster.

What reaction occurs when alka seltzer and vinegar react?

Alka seltzer has an antiacid built into it, so the reaction starts off fast, but will slow to a normal pace. The Vinegar's acidic level will be neutralized.

Can Alka-Seltzer react with HCl?

Yes, the reaction is possible.

What do you get when you put alka seltzer and orange juice together?

You will get a chemical reaction. Alka Seltzer is alkaline and Kool Aid is acidic (citric acid). And acid and a base (alkaline) will always react chemically and form a new compound.

Why is Alka-Seltzer no longer sold in the Philippines?

The people in the Philippines believe that Alka-Seltzer is not a medicine and that Alka-Seltzer should not be considered a medicine

Can you take Tamiflu with alka-seltzer plus?

Can you take alka seltzer with tamiflu

How fast does alka-seltzer dissolve in water?

Alka Seltzer dizzolves in 33.1 sedonds

Can you make alka-seltzer fizz faster or slower?

because alka seltzer has to deserved in