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Epilepsy has many causes. Only a Doctor Who can examine the infant and talk to those who have seen their seizures can have an indication of what the problem might be.

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Q: What causes an infant have a seizure?
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What kind disability is epilepsy?

No. It is a condition where someone has a tendency to have seizures. Why this happens varies from person to person. There are many forms of Epilepsy and many causes. But it is not a disease. It is not infectious or anything like that.

What could the reason be for a seizure after 10 months of being seizure free?

That question cannot really be answered. Different people have different causes for their epilepsy and their seizures. So what causes a seizure after a long period of time is different for each individual.

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The leading causes of infant mortality in Sierra Leone are tetanus, fevers, measles and diarrhoea.

What causes abnormal electrical activity in the brain?

It can cause a seizure.

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Lack of prenatal care is a cause of infant morbidity. Other causes include poor nutrition, infectious diseases, and premature birth.

What causes sudden seizures in children who never had one?

Each case is different so there is no single answer to that question. There are many forms of seizure and many causes. A child would have to be assessed by a doctor to try and find the cause of their seizure.

10 causes of infant mortality?

congenital anomalies/malformations

What causes low infant mortality rates?

High infant mortality rate is associated with poverty and poor health care.

Why do you have to prevent injury in seizure patient?

A patient prone to seizures cannot protect themselves. A seizure causes falls. Once the seizure is underway, the patient needs (primarily) the head and airway protected. Seizure patients may also inhale saliva or vomit, which can then impair breathing.

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A coup d'état is the sudden and illegal seizure of a government.

Infant mortality causes?

According to UNICEF,there are 5 major causes of infant mortality.These are: 1) Acute respiratory infections 2) Diarrhea 3) Measles 4) Malaria 5) Malnutrition

What are some of the causes of infant mortality?

Birth defects are the leading causes of infant mortality. Other leading causes include premature birth, low birth weight, SIDS, accidental injury, circulatory diseases, and complications during pregnancy.