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Things such as:

Humans (habitat destruction, killing for a certain characteristic, just wanting to, hunting, and pollution)

Animals (overpopulation of predators=prey, murder, etc.)

Plants (poisonous plants)

Hope that helped.

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Darwin coined the term "survival of the fittest," that is to say, those who are most adapted to their current surroundings will live, while those not well adapted will not. The biggest thing to consider is that environments are constantly changing. For example, a prairie may seem like a prairie, but some years there are too many hawks and not enough mice eat, and other years there are too many mice and not enough hawks to eat them.

The world is changing rapidly, with natural changes as well as human changes (deforestation and global warming to name a few). Organisms need to change, or adapt, to match these environmental changes. Some organisms can change or "evolve" to match the environmental changes, and they will be able to continue surviving. The ones that will not change fast enough will not be able to survive, and will become extinct.

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Q: What causes an organism to become extinct?
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Any living thing can become extinct.Extinct means that this organism no longer exists. This can happen to any type of living organism(or non-living organism, if you are talking about viruses). if you are refering to a human being the person has to die before that person is extinct

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Yes There are several species that have gone extinct. Some through human influence - like the dodo and the thylacine. Others, like dinosaurs - through natural causes .

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Animals are extinct when there's no known animals part of the species still alive.Or, if you're asking how they become extinct, that can be because of many causes.

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