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Q: What causes and effects that result in a barren lifeless ecosystem becoming a forest?
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in a condition too poorto produce vegetation;lifeless

How many stars are between the earth and the moon?

There are no stars between the earth and the moon. ** If there were, Earth would be as barren and lifeless as Mercury.

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Red, barren, dusty, lifeless,

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Barren Island is becoming conical in shape.

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the name suggests that the town is barren, lifeless without joy

What opposite for fertile?

Yes - it means dry or lifeless. It can also mean sterile (as in a woman who is unabel to have children for medical reasons can be called barren).

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Since a biome is classified by the plants and animals that live in it, I would consider "barren", "desolation", "sterile", or "lifeless" to be opposites. ... also possibly wasteland abiotic inorganic

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The Azoic Theory was coined by Edward Forbes. It states that below 300 fathoms the mysterious dark depths of the seas was a barren lifeless area. He named this the Azoic Zone.

Is a Palm tree and shrubs around a small pool of water in the middle of a barren desert an example of an ecosystem?

I don't know :P

What does barren mean?

InfertileDepending on what you mean:(of land): Too poor to produce much or any vegetation.(of a tree or plant): Not producing fruit or seed.(of a woman): Unable to have children.(of a female animal): Not pregnant or unable to become such.Showing no results or achievements; unproductive- much of philosophy has been barren(of a place or building) Bleak and lifeless- the sports hall turned out to be a rather barrenconcrete buildingEmpty of meaning or value- those young heads were stuffed with barrenfactsDevoid of- the room was barren of furniture

When was Barren island last volcano eruption and its effects?

It Last Erupted In 2OO7.^Hope This Helped!:D:]'

What is the definition of barren?

barren means unfertileDepending on what you mean:(of land): Too poor to produce much or any vegetation.(of a tree or plant): Not producing fruit or seed.(of a woman): Unable to have children.(of a female animal): Not pregnant or unable to become such.Showing no results or achievements; unproductive- much of philosophy has been barren(of a place or building) Bleak and lifeless- the sports hall turned out to be a rather barrenconcrete buildingEmpty of meaning or value- those young heads were stuffed with barrenfactsDevoid of- the room was barren of furnitureDesolate; bare; devoid of vegetation.Empty. Devoid of anything. Nothing around something or surrounding it.