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It is true that many species of birds leave deciduous forest in the fall when the temperature starts to drop. They migrate south to places with warmer climates.

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Sebastian Holtman ST...

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Sebastian Holtman ST...

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Hanna Odanga

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2mo ago

It is true that many species of birds leave the deciduous forest in the fall when the temperature starts to drop.

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10y ago

When it is in the fall season they leave because their is no leaves or food. And it is very cold.Also it is beacuse of the warmth and weather.

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11y ago


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12y ago

the weather.

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Yes they do because they are very old that's why they are very deciduousso they just leave there leaves.All deciduous trees, no matter what age they are, drop their leaves in the autumn and regrow them in the spring.

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why in the worl would they leave someone to write right here btw this is fake

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