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Q: What causes breathing rate to go up?
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Why does the breathing rate go up?

your breathing rate goes up because the cells in your muscles need more oxygen

Does your heart rate and breathing rate go up or down at the end of the day?

it varies according to the kind of work you are doing.

What causes the sediment rate to go up in persons?

In general, the sed rate (erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) ) is a measure of inflammation present.

How do you do intense cardio?

Cardio is basically eveyrthing that gets you breathing hard and your heart rate up. Intense cardio is anything that will get your heart rate and breathing really up there.

Why does your heart rate go up?

to improve your heart rate go up i would recomend you to do circuit training because By keeping your heart rate up while doing you weight training you are stimulating lipolysis. Which as you know is essential if you want to get ripped.

Why do your pulse and breathing go up when you exercise?

Your breathing rate increases to get more oxygen into your bloodstream, and your pulse quickens to allow the blood to get to muscles faster to deliver the oxygen. =) Alex, 17.

What factors influence the breathing rate during exercise?

Respiratory rate is influenced by almost everything, anatomically and environmentally. Anatomical causes of respiratory rate changes are ailments such as copd (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) asthma, airway obstructions, diabetic coma or shock, congestive heart failure (back up of fluids through the venus supply), croup, anaphylaxsis, etc. Environmental causes include airway anomallies, drug overdoses, inhaled poisons,smoking etc.

Breathing on a cold window can fog it up which change of state causes this?


How does heart rate affect breathing?

Heart rate and breathing are closely linked through a process called cardiorespiratory coupling. An increase in heart rate can signal the body to adjust breathing rate and depth to maintain balance. This synchronization helps regulate oxygen intake and carbon dioxide elimination to support the body's energy needs during physical activity or stress.

How will you know if your heart rate is up?

you will know when you are breathing hard and you loose your breath. example: if you run around the block 10 times, non stop, you will be breathing very hard and you will be very tired. or otherwise, your heart rate will be up^ |

What if your dog is breathing fast and heart rate is up?

Some where in his body he has an bacterial infection

Why does your heart rate go up when you watch a romantic movie?

fear generates adreneline and adreneline increases your heartrate