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Bacterial conjunctivitis can occur in adults and children and is caused by organisms such as Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and Hemophilus.

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Nathaniel Lebsack

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Q: What causes conjunctivitis?
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Conjunctivitis is a disease of the?

Conjunctivitis is a disease that causes inflammation of the outermost layer of the eye.

What is the correct definition of the Conjunctivitis Curse from Harry Potter?

The conjunctivitis curse causes a victims eyes to swell up and they resemble someone who has conjunctivitis.

What are the causes of allergic conjunctivitis?

Exposure to an allergen.

What are the less common causes of conjunctivitis?

Other less common causes of conjunctivitis include exposure to sun lamps or the electrical arcs used during welding, and problems with inadequate drainage of the tear ducts.

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What is pink eye made of?

"Pink eye" is a generic term most often used to describe conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis has many, many causes. Without external injury or internal inflammation, the most common cause of acute conjunctivitis is a contagious infection of the virus adenovirus.

Why conjunctivitis got the name 'Madras Eye?

The name "madras eye" originated when the adenovirus, a virus that causes conjunctivitis, was first identified in Chennai (Madras), India during the early 20th Century

What causes eyes to be glued together?

It's called 'conjunctivitis' and you should see your doctor for some salve.

What causes inflammation of mucosa lining the eyelids and covering the eyeball?

Conjunctivitis is usually caused by viral infection.

Is pink eye a virus?

"pink eye" is a common term for conjunctivitis. This condition has many causes, including some viruses. Viral conjunctivitis has a incubation period of between 12 hours and 3 days, and does not appear to remain latent after symptoms are resolved.

Is pink eye a latent virus?

"Pink Eye" is a common term for conjunctivitis. This condition has many causes, including some viruses. Viral conjunctivitis has a incubation period of between 12 hours and 3 days, and does not appear to remain latent after symptoms are resolved.