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That is unclear. Diverticulosis is an intestinal disorder that manifests in some people with diverticula. Diverticula are little pockets or pouches that can form in the intestines. The singular form of diverticula is diverticulum. Most people with diverticula are not aware of them unless there is a flareup. If the diverticula become inflamed it is called diverticulitis, whether or not the inflammation is accompanied with infection. It can also be called a "flareup". Diverticulitis can be very painful and may require hospital care.

What causes diverticulitis is just becoming more clear in medicine, but the definitive cause is still eluding scientists. It had been long held that if these pockets failed to empty completely along with the rest of the bowel during evacuation, and, as a result, they filled with and held in wastes over time, then that could eventually cause diverticulitis. It was also previously believed that if a particle of food, such as a seed or nut, would get stuck in the pocket or obstruct the opening of the diverticula, trapping in wastes, it would also cause diverticulitis. However, studies have now determined that no appreciable increase in the risk for diverticulitis seems to result from eating foods such as popcorn, seeds and nuts.

Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research has published the following about the cause of diverticulitis:

"Diverticula usually develop when naturally weak places in your colon give way under pressure. This causes marble-sized pouches to protrude through the colon wall.

Exactly how diverticula become inflamed or infected isn't clear. One theory is that the increased pressure in the colon can weaken the wall of the diverticula, leading to infection. Another is that the narrow openings of diverticula may trap fecal matter, which can lead to infection. Or an obstruction in the narrow opening of a diverticulum may reduce blood supply to the area, which leads to inflammation.

In the past, doctors thought that nuts, seeds, popcorn and corn played a role in causing diverticulitis by getting trapped in the diverticula. However, research has shown that these foods aren't associated with an increased risk of diverticulitis."

The link below in the related links section will take you to the full article about diverticulosis and diverticulitis from Mayo Clinic.

Bowel rest, changes in diet, and sometimes antibiotics and/or anti-inflammatory steroids are needed to treat this condition when there is a flare up.

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Yes it will, and there will be other symptoms too, such as fever. If the pain is severe and you have a fever, you should seek medical attention.

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