

What causes deafness?

Updated: 11/15/2022
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13y ago

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Anything that completely blocks the ear canal can cause hearing loss. Blockage with earwax (also called cerumen) is common.

Many other problems can block the ear canal and lead to hearing loss. Such blocking causes a decrease in volume but does not generally produce distortion. These problems include:

  • Infections with swelling that shuts the ear canal
  • Foreign bodies in the ear
  • An injury
  • Birth defects
  • A growth in the ear canal
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# Meningitis # Prebycusis # Otis Media # Tinnitus # Pematurity # Cytomegaloirus # treacher collinssyndrome # Waardenburg syndrome

How can deafness be passed from parents to offspring?

Yes, some deafness is heriditary while some deafness is not.

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Post- Vocational Deafness: