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This is a swelling caused by local trauma, it is your bodies' natural response to tissue damage. If you notice any decreased consciousness, increased sleepiness, any fluids leaking from your nose or ear, consult an A&E/ER immediately.

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15y ago
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9y ago

If you feel a dent on your head it could be a sign of an injury. If no injury has occurred, the possible cause could be a vitamin D deficiency.

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12y ago

That's bad. If its a bump it means that the swelling is going out, which is a good thing. If your head is dented, go to the doctor imeadeitly

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11y ago

you will need to watch it and if is still like in 4 to 5 hours that u will have to contact help

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Q: What causes dents in the head?
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Why do you have dents on your head?

Personally, I dont

Why do you have small dents all over your head that cause migraines?

The "dents" in your skull are the joints between the different bones that compose it. They do not cause migraines.

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it depends ifits a coated head and it is still corse your good if its smooth and has dents its time. if its clear and the head has dents it the head and its not the best looking and they don't fit the sound that you are looking for then i would change them.

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aleins abducted you and that dent in your head is that sample of grey-matter they took from your head

What is a drum defect?

Defects usually occur then a head is improperly tensioned, forcing the shell out of round. Other defects include bent or chipped counterhoops, broken lugs, cracks/dents in the drum shell, dents, wearing at the drum head, and damage the the bearing edge, where the drum head makes contact with the shell.

What causes dents and ridges in the older human skull?

Dents in the older human skull can be caused by a decrease in bone density due to conditions like osteoporosis. Ridging on the skull can result from the natural process of bone remodeling, where bone is either resorbed or deposited. Additionally, external factors such as injury or trauma can also lead to dents and ridges in the skull over time.

What could be a sentence with the word dents in it?

My car has lots of dents in it.

How do you say tooth in French?

either le dents or la dents

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Brosse à dents

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What causes flatness on the parietal bone at the back of the head

What is your car depreciation as a result of hail damage?

Your car will depreciate depending on the size of the dents. A few dents will be different from a hundred dents. Carfax has a category for hail damage.

Why do I have dents on your tongue if I have never had a tongue piercing?

Most likely the dents will be from your teeth and this will be happening because your tongue is swollen at times. The causes of a swollen tongue can be many different things, commonly it is usually caused by an iron or B-vitamin deficiency. If you are worried about it you should check with a health professional. J :)