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I know it sounds silly, but by too much of watching screens or monitors. I was a security guard watching screens all day, but the same tihng happened to me so I quit the job.

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Q: What causes engorged blood vessels in the eyes?
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What are eyes made up of?

BloOd vessels.

What are bloodshot eyes?

Bloodshot eyes are eyes with noticeable blood pigments and swollen blood vessels. You generally get bloodshot eyes from lack of sleep.

What organs are damaged if blood glucose levels are not controlled?

the eyes, blood vessels, kidneys, and nerves

What is the part of the eyes where are blood vessels?

The cornea, the clear part of the eye, does not contain blood vessels and it receives oxygen supply directly from the air.

Blood shot eyes are a result of dilatation of blood vessels in the what part of the eye?


What does bulimia do to your skin?

every time you purge, it puts great strain on your body including your eyes. blood vessels in your eyes sometimes burst, so the whites of your eyes are now covered in red lines. vision beomes very blurry following purging. the blood vessels will fix themselves in a few days if you do not continue purging.

Can you pop blood vessels on your face from vomiting?

1st answer) If it is really bad yes, but really no. 2nd answer) It is more common to pop blood vessels in your eyes.

How do you make red eyes go away?

cold compresses with ice in a ziplock bag wrapped in a face towel. close your eyes and put the towel covered ice packs over your eyes. the cold constricts your blood vessels and causes your eyes to look less red. Cucumber slices over the eyes works well, too. There are also over-the-counter eyedrops (Visine is one brand) that help to constrict the blood vessels and make the eyes look less red.

Are blood vessels everywhere in your body?

Yes, except for the clear bits of the eyes.

Why is high blood pressure angerous?

High blood pressure can damage your heart, eyes, kidneys, blood vessels and brain

What does hypertension attack?

Hypertension can cause damage to your heart, blood vessels, kidneys, eyes and brain

What causes pressure behind the eyes?

high blood pressue, glacouma