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Pulmonary edema, Congestive heart failure,

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Q: What causes frothy white lung secretions?
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Tar Causes Lung Cancer.

Cystic Fibrosis is it deadly?

Yes-It causes concentrated mucous secretions in the lungs that plug the bronchi making breathing difficult, promoting infections, chronic cough, recurrent pneumonia and progressive loss of lung function - the usual cause of death

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Lung Disease Lung Cancer and, COPD

Is it true or false in atelectasis the lung fails to expand because air cannot pass beyond the bronchioles that are blocked by secretions?


How did chlorine gas kill?

It is extremely corrosive. Skin contact would create chemical burns and blisters that would then get infected and cause dehydration from weeping fluid. It is most toxic by inhalation where it causes fluid to accumulate int he lung and you drown in your own secretions.

What are the signs and symptoms of a chest wound?

An open chest wound would present with frothy blood at site of the injury, difficulty breathing (lung collapse), gurgling sound when breathing

Why is smoking not good for you?

causes lung cancer

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Is white lung caused by 911?

white lung is an acute lung injury where the sufferer has coughing and rales, it is caused by inflammation of the lungs in people exposed to irritants such as corrosive chemical vapors or ammonia or chlorine etc, which causes the lungs to become stiff and fibrous so that they cannot exchange oxygen properly.Therefore while there were irritants placed in the air as a result of 9/11 it is unlikely that while lung would manifest so long after the event.

What causes the lung disorder?

smoking, genetic lung problems, msg, lung cancer, lung surgery gone wrong, and if you got affected by radioactive waste then you might be