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Q: What causes goose bumps on your legs when it's not cold?
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What happens to your body when you get a cold?

You get "goose bumps" and your hair starts to grow if you have shaved legs :)

Why legs itch with with red small bumps in cold country?

Capillaries tighten in cold weather , and close around individual hairs.

What causes bumpy legs?

On a woman who shaves her legs? Razor bumps, which are ingrown hairs. Exfoliation helps.

What do you do when there are red bumps on your legs?

When u shave it gives u red bumps I get them all the time in the winter, cuz my legs are dry

What are some good shaving tips?

There is a really simple way to get super smooth legs without waxing them. You turn the water on hot while you shave them, then when they are relatively smooth, blast your water on ice-cold. You will get goose bumps which makes your hair stick straight up. Shave over your legs until you can barely feel the bumps. When your legs are dry and un-goose bumped, they will be very smooth. Don't forget to use lotion! Make sure to go over your knee area a couple of times. Also, when you are shaving, go over your skin back and forth like you would rub a towel on your skin. I don't know why that works, but it does. Try these tips and you're guaranteed smooth hairless skin.

Does leg hair grow faster in cold?

Only if you are ignorant can you believe that hair grows faster when it is cold out. i disagree, I think when it's cold or you are cold you get goose bumps. this makes the hair on your body stand on end, thus stimulating recently shaved legs to grow hair quicker. Try it in the shower and find this to be true for yourself.After you shave your legs feel how smooth they are rubbing against the grain(from the bottom to the top). Then open the curtain or door and allow yourself to get cold and goosebumps to form, then feel your legs again,typically for me the stubble comes right back and i need to go over them again. hope this helps you any:)

Traditional french dish woth goose legs?

c?n?i? Traditional french dish of goose legs cooked slowly in fat

What are goss pumps?

we have goss bumps very often. goss bumps usually happens on our hand and legs..

Where you get goose bump?

I get them on my arms. sometimes on my legs too(:

What goose legs called?

Goose eggs are called eggs (the same as chicken eggs are still eggs)

What is the Polaris disease?

The skin disorder, Keratosis pilaris, causes red bumps all over your arms and legs. It can also cause spots on your face, which look like acne.

How do you get goose bumps?

Goose bumps are a vestige from the days when humans were covered with hair. When it's hot and you need to cool down, little muscles at the base of each hair relax. Your hair becomes relaxed. Your sweat glands pump out body heat in sweat. Your blood vessels get big to take more heat to the skin to get rid of it. When it's cold, the arrector muscle pulls the hair up. The duct to the sweat glands gets small to conserve heat. Our blood vessels also get small to save heat. Hair standing up doesn't make very good insulation - we don't have enough fur for that. Humans don't have very much hair on their bodies anymore. Millions of years ago, humans probably did. And that hair standing on end helped keep people warmer. Those little muscles we have on the end of each hair still work. They still make goose bumps. Cold is not the only thing that can cause our hair to stand on end. Fear or anger can cause the same reflex. The same is true for other mammals. You'll notice that on a cat or dog. Their fur gets bigger when they're angry or afraid.