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Heterochromia can be caused by two different things that I'm aware of: if you had a severe injury to your eye, or are taking eye drops or medication for eyes, this can cause color changes. It can also be hereditary. With the hereditary cause, either it's a genetic mutation of two chromosomes, or in some cases, two fraternal twins are fused as one person as an egg, creating the two different colors.

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Q: What causes heterochromia in human eyes?
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Is there a word for someone who is born with different colored eyes?

If you have different coloured eyes it is called heterochromia but is nothing to be worried about. I'm not just saying that because I am but you know. You should be proud of it because it is to rareand special to be taken the mick out of! You could either have: 1. Blue and Green eyes 2. Blue and Brown eyes 3. Brown and Green eyes (Like Me) So their you have it nothing to be ashamed of!

How do you get heterochromia?

you are born with heterochromia. my left eye is blue with gold around the pupil.the top of my right eye is blue and the bottom of it is great uncle had hectochromia.That is wrong. Heterochromia has many causes, including being born with it:Eye injuryEye inflammationEye tumorBleeding in the eyeor other medical conditionsTo be born with it, you'd have to be born with different melanin levels.If you want Heterochromia that bad, have someone punch you in the eye as hard as they can. It will inflame for a few days, then most likely (and I mean VERY likely) will cause Heterochromia in the eye you were hit in.Otherwise, buy colored contacts.

Is Tim McIlraths eyes really two different colors?

Yes. He has heterochromia (diferrerence in coloration). He has one eye blue and one brown.

Can Heterochromia be passed on to children?

Heterochromia is a genetic mutation that cannot be passed down to children. It occurs as a defect in meiosis, and it produces an extra gene for eye colour. Alas, there is a greater chance that the child of a person with heterochromia will also get heterochromia, because there is a better chance of the gene mutating. But still, the chance of heterochromia is rare nonetheless.

How many people have heterochromia?

Complete Heterochromia is rare in humans, but it is common in animals such as dogs and cats.

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Why does kate brosworth have one blue eye and one brown eye?

Kate Bosworth has a condition called heterochromia, which causes her to have one blue eye and one brown eye. This is a rare genetic trait that results in a person having two different colored eyes.

How much of the world's population has heterochromia?

Approximately 1% of the world's population is estimated to have heterochromia, a condition characterized by having different colored eyes. This can either be genetic or acquired later in life due to injury or disease.

What color are Logan Lerman's eyes?

According to his official website, Logan Lerman has blue eyes. However, Lerman is listed to have heterochromia iridum, meaning that there is a difference in coloration of the iris of the eye, although his heterochromia is only central or partial heterochromia, meaning that the color only varies toward the center of his eyes. So, Logan Lerman's eyes are blue but they change a different color toward the center of his irises.

What do you call a human with one blue and one brown eye?

The condition is called Heterochromia or sometimes bi-colored eyes... The colors dont matter, the name remains the same.

How do you lose the color of your eyes?

A person can lose the color of their eyes through a condition called heterochromia, which can be caused by injury or can be hereditary.

Is there a word for someone who is born with different colored eyes?

If you have different coloured eyes it is called heterochromia but is nothing to be worried about. I'm not just saying that because I am but you know. You should be proud of it because it is to rareand special to be taken the mick out of! You could either have: 1. Blue and Green eyes 2. Blue and Brown eyes 3. Brown and Green eyes (Like Me) So their you have it nothing to be ashamed of!

What causes a dogs eyes to change color?

Do you mean from when they are born? Idk, but peoples eyes can (& most likely do) change colors from when they were born.

How rare is sectoral heterochromia?

I would have to completely disagree as well. Central Heterochromia is so common it's not even funny. I have Sectoral (or partial) heterochromia and i have yet to see anyones eyes (in person) that look like mine. I have one full blue eye, and the other eye is brown with a chunk of blue in it.) So to answer your question- Central Heterochromia= definitely common. Have you seen many people walking around with two completely different colored eyes? I have to see even one, but think this - central heterochromia is even rare among that! It signifies abnormally levels of toxin in the body in most cases, but sometimes it's genetic. (I have central heterochromia) I have central heterochromi(genetic)I have three colors actuall. brown in the cener and green outter. but there is also a even darker green ring on the very outside edge of my iris. my dad has full heterochromia one eye is green and one is brown. His green eye also has central heterochromia. newtest3 ---- Hello! I would have to disagree with them. Central Heterochromia doesn't seem to be as rare as Partial or Full Heterochromia. I myself have Central Heterochromia and know a few other people who do as well, whereas I don't know anyone with Partial or Full. And from what I understand of the research I've done, Partial is even rarer than Full. In the people I know with Central Heterochromia, most of them are usually classified as having "hazel" eyes because they have those different colored rings. Now, that's not the case for all people with hazel eyes, but it's very common for them to be misclassified. So in terms of rarity, you have to think how many people in the world have hazel eyes? ~ I guess I'm the odd one then... I have Sectoral and Central heterochromia... My eyes are normally green, but when you look at the, the top half of both of them is brown. They also have a dark grey ring around the outside of them, as I just recently discovered. The odd thing about that, is that my mom had blue/grey-ish eyes, and my dad has hazel ones. Neither my parents, nor their parents have brown eyes.

Do all huskies have blue eyes?

Not necessarily. Some possess brown eyes, and more often than not, heterochromia (each eye a different colour).

As you move towards the pupil my eyes have a deep teal outline then are blue then they are green then a yellowish gold and then pale grey and they change does this mean i have heterochromia?

your eyes sound exactly the same as mine. i believe it's called central heterochromia (ie. the centre of your iris is a different colour). It's very common.

Why do some people have 2 different colour eyes?

Heterochromia is the name for when someone has a difference of color in each of their irises. Your eye color is set by a variety of genes, but heterochromia occurs due to the concentration and distribution of a pigment called melanin.