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It's bacterial , and responds well to topical treatment.

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Q: What causes impetigo bacteria or virus?
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Is impetigo a virus or a bacteria or fungi?

Impetigo can be caused by the staphylococcus aureus, or the streptococcus pyogenes bacteria.

What causes impetigo strep throat?

Impetigo strep throat is an infection caused by a type of staphylococcus virus.

What is and causes infintaigo?

The correct spelling is impetigo and not infintaigo. Impetigo is a skin infection that is very contagious. It is caused by either strep or staph bacteria.

What is the impetigo's pathogen kingdom?

Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes are the two main causes of impetigo. They are both in Domain: Bacteria. Kingdom: Eubacteria

Is pneumonia caused by a virus or bacteria?

a bacteria. the bacteria that causes pneumonia is called pneumoniae.

Which bacteria causes AIDS?

AIDS is caused by a virus, not a bacteria. It is the HIV virus.

What bacteria causes rhinovirus?

Rhinovirus is not a bacteria. It is a virus. The name means 'nose virus' and often causes what we call the common cold.

What is a bacteria that causes a disease called?

A virus or a parasite.

What type of bacteria causes HIV?

A bacteria can't cause AIDS. AIDS is a virus which is why it can't be cured.

Does a virus causes malaria?

Virus does not cause malaria. Malaria is caused by a protozoa from the genus Plasmodium.

Can cats cause impetigo?

Impetigo is a bacteria. Normally healthy skin blocks its entry but any break in the skin allows the bacteria to enter. Cats do not cause impetigo, but they, like any other animal, can carry the bacteria.

What are two disease caused by bacteria are?

impetigo and folliculitis