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Many different things can cause Kidney disease but diabete and high blood pressure are the main cause. It can be cured if detected early and simple urinary test can tell if you have the disease. Find out more information here

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Q: What causes kidney disease, and how can it be cured?
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What does kidney disease do?

Polycystic kidney disease is an inherited disorder that causes cysts to be formed on the nephrons, or functioning units, of the kidneys

What can cause Kidney disease?

Sometimes it is hard for one to tell what causes a kidney disease, but anything that can damage the kidneys or blood vessels may cause it to develop a disease. Some examples of kidney disease causes are Diabetes, high blood pressure, blocked renal arteries, overuse of medicines, and disease you are born with can all cause kidney disease or failure.

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Weil's Disease is also known as Leptospirosis. It causes kidney failure, bleeding and causes a person to turn the color yellow.

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Renal polycystitis typically refers to Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). PKD is a genetic kidney disease that causes healthy kidney tissue to be replaced by numerous fluid filled cysts. The disease often leads to kidney failure in a patient's later years.

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Because Crohns disease has not been fully researched as to the causes, it cannot be prevented. Once diagnosed, the disease can be managed but never cured.

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Yes, that can be cured .. :)

What disease causes the kidney to overcompensate by straining within the remaining nephrons?

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Glomerular kidney disease-- Disease of the kidney that affects the glomeruli, the part of the kidney that filters certain substances out of the blood.

Is there any difference between kidney disease and kidney failure?

Kidney disease can lead to kidney failure.

How does renal disorder happen?

Kidney Disease (Renal Disease): The most common causes of kidney disease include diabetes, high blood pressure, and hardening of the arteries. I came across a web site that contains detailed information on pertaining to your question. The link to the web site is called Kidney Disease and is displayed directly below this window.

Why are my bird's droppings bloody?

Because it needs to see a vet'. Possible causes - coccidiosis and kidney disease.

What exactly is heart disease and can it be cured?

Heart disease is a disease that involves the heart and vessels. It is the biggest causes of most deaths world wide. It has killed more woman than breast cancer has.