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Q: What causes knot on your head underneath the scalp?
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Related questions

What is the medical term meaning a knot on your head?

Knots on the head could be acne pimples on the scalp or elsewhere on the head. They could also be insect bites.

What does Watch your top knot mean?

It refers to either the Oriental pony tail or a crest of feathers or hair on top of your head . Especially in the Old West, people would say "watch your top knot" to mean "be careful" because if you didn't take care, Indians would scalp your top knot and kill you.

Hard knot on top of head?

The only way to diagnose hard lumps on the head is to see a physician. They could be from many different causes.

What is a rams head knot?

a tying knot for shoe laces on shoes!

What is this knot on your head over your left eye?

what is this knot over my eye on my forehead

What is the English slang word for stubborn?

The English slang word for stubborn is "bullheaded."

How do you spell knot as in knot head?

That is the correct spelling used in the slang term "knothead" meaning a foolish person.

What causes swollen knots on your head?

There are many things that can cause a swollen knot on a persons back. An allergic reaction to something, an insect bite, or an animal bite are things that can cause this.

What causes a knot above the belly button with pain?

A hernia

What is an Ornamental knot resembling a turban?

Turks head DeeJay

How long does it take for a knot on your head to go down?

It will usually only take about one day in order for the knot to go down. You should put ice on the knot to help reduce the swelling.

Do you need to put ice on a knot on your head?

NO that would be silly of course