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Q: What causes more cancer cigarettes or marijuana?
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Does marijuana contain more cancer causing chemicals than cigarettes?

Marijuana contains no known cancer causing agents.

Does marijuana cause cancer?

GREAT question! Marijuana is completely different then Cigarettes! CIGARETTES Kill someone every 8 seconds. CIGARETTES In the U.S kills more people than cocaine, heoine, alcohol, fire automobile accidents, homicideds, suicides,and AIDS combined. MARIJUANA does NOT cause cancer by itself. It does contains irritants in the smoked form but there has been no cancer that has been linked to marijuana. ACTUALLY the THC in marijuana has been scientifically proven with lab mice to KILL brain cancer cells. It aslo has been proven to shrink tumor size in some patients. THE ANSWER IS MARIJUANA DOES !NOT! CAUSE ANY FORM OF CANCER! The hyper link will help u understand more myths and facts about marijuana.

What is more damaging cigarettes or marijuana?

Marijuana is harder on your lungs, but given time, you can get lung cancer from both. Cigarettes are legal, Marijuana is usually not. From a health perspective Cigarettes have more known and proven health concerns than Marijuana.

What are in cigarettes that causes cancer?

I tHink a better question is, what in cigarettes doesn't cause cancer. That's what they are made for, to kill people :( and make Money off it while doing so, in more ways imaginable! Smart, but roothless

Is marijuana and tobacco a bad combination?

Cigarettes are a stress reliever and also eliminate hunger, which help you lose weight. However, cigarettes are extremely deadly and addictive; they can cause numerous types of cancer (mainly lung cancer) and serious health complications (such as short breath, skin discoloration, black tongue, etc.) Marijuana can also relieve stress and pain, which is why it is used in certain, serious medical situations. However, marijuana has more toxins than cigarettes and can cause just as many diseases or forms of cancer as cigarettes. Marijuana is also addictive and can seriously alter your brain power, as it directly affects memory skills.Many people think that marijuana is harmless, but this couldn't be farther from the truth. Anything you smoke to inhale is not good for you, and should be avoided. Marijuana is addictive and is deadly. People obviously know that cigarettes are deadly and are aware of its effects.

Marijuana is better than what?

Marijuana is always better than alcohol and cigarette smoking.

When did they find out that marijuana can cure cancer?

MARIJUANA DOES NOT CURE CANCER. Marijuana is used as a medicine with cancer patients who go through chemotherapy. The chemo causes very severe nausea. Marijuana is used to cure the nausea and settle the stomach of the patient. It is used alternatively to pills for the treatment of nausea because it is cheaper, has less unwanted side effects, and has been proven to be more effective.

How much more tar and carbon monoxide in marijuana than cigarettes?

None marijuana does not have carbon monoxide or tar

What is there to be afraid of when smoking marijuana?

short term memory loss, causes breathing problems, effects you brain and body system, more tar in marijuana than tobbaco, increased chances in having cancer, and its illegal, and lots more

What is the difference between heroin and marijuana?

marijuana is just as dangerous as normal cigarettes, while Heroin is alot more dangerous and addictive

How messed up can you be after smoking marijuana after years?

Abuse of any drug can cause problems. However, long term marijuana use does not cause cancer or heart disease, like cigarettes could.Psychologically, long term use of marijuana could bring out underlying mental illnesses (such as a depressed person getting more depressed).

What kills you faster smoking weed or smoking cigarettes?

Generally speaking, smoking tobacco cigarettes will kill you faster. Although much controvery still surrounds the safety of smoking tobacco cigarettes vs marijuana, people who smoke tobacco cigarettes generally smoke ALOT more than people who smoke marijuana (few people smoke 20 joints or bowls a day, but MANY people smoke 20 cigarettes a day). This factor alone makes smoking tobacco cigarettes MUCH more hazardous than smoking marijuana.