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gravitational force

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Q: What causes objects in the solar system to move in these regular and predictable patterns?
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What causes the mnotion of objects?

what causes the motion of objects

What causes objects to accelerate?

Gravity causes falling objects to accelerate.

What is the coroilos effect?

The Coriolis effect is the apparent deflection of moving objects (such as air currents or ocean currents) caused by the Earth's rotation. It causes objects to veer to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. It influences global wind patterns and ocean currents.

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What causes the patterns of moonrise and phases?

The tide

What causes objects to revolve around other objects?

The gravitation

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What is the Coroiolis Effect?

The Coriolis Effect is the apparent deflection of moving objects (such as wind and ocean currents) on the Earth's surface due to the planet's rotation. This effect causes objects in the Northern Hemisphere to be deflected to the right, and objects in the Southern Hemisphere to be deflected to the left. The Coriolis Effect is a key factor in influencing global wind patterns and ocean currents.

What causes patterns in earthquake activity?

The shifting of plates causes patterns in earthquake activity. Different plates shift in different degrees depending on the friction and temperatures involved.

What causes the acceleration of moving objects?

Force is the only thing that causes the accelerationof material objects, whether they're moving or not.

What causes object to fall?

gravity causes objects to fall

Your perception of the pull of gravity and linear acceleration is the result of?

The perception of the pull of gravity and linear acceleration is the result of the forces acting on objects. Gravity causes objects to be attracted to the center of mass of another object (like the Earth), while linear acceleration results in a change in an object's velocity over time. These forces can be felt by objects and cause them to move in a predictable manner.