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Q: What causes red welts on face?
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What causes random appearance of welts on body?

Parasites of some sort or infection or just a skin condition ANSWER: Often, this is caused by hives (which themselves can be caused by an allergic reaction, or simply by stress or anxiety).

What causes welts on fingers?

Maybe dyshidrosis

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What causes u to have red pin pricks on the face and all in the back of your throat

What are some symptoms of hives?

Symptoms of hives include: sudden onset of red or skin colored welts that resemble mosquito bites and itching. In severe cases there is swelling of lips, face, and tongue.

What does welts mean?

a red, swollen mark left on flesh by a blow or pressure.

What is dermographism?

This is an over sensitivity to touch in the skin which causes a local hives response in the skin. You can literally write on the skin and will either get an immediate red swelling or a delayed swelling of up to an hour. This can present as little red dots that pale when pressed, or red area to large thick hive welts. Usually triggered initially by an allergic response that patients often never know what it was to isolate. Can take 2 years to settle. If this is happening to you, you should see a Dr to check if there are any underlying causes and get medical advice regarding medications to help reduce hives/redness/itching.

Is there a species of plants in Florida that causes welts and burning in the affected area?

yea, poison ivy

Is it illegal if your mum slaps you in the face and hits you and it leaves welts?

only if it leaves a mark can you take it to court

Could ibuprofen cause red non itchy welts?

Yes, it my case it does. Every time I take it, within about an hour I develop a red, non-itchy, raised "bump" on my face (always in the same place). It goes away after about 45 minutes to an hour.

What causes welts on the back of the tongue?

Possible allergy or injury; please see a health care professional.

Stinging bugs in Northwest Indiana that leave large red welts?

Stinging bugs in northwest Indiana include wasps, bees, ants and horseflies. The large welts are an immune response to the bite.

You have itchy red welts on your body and it feels like your skin is crawling what is it?

you need to see a doctor.