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Osteoporosis is caused when the animals are forced into a cramped position too long, have milk fever or for other miscellaneous reasons. Most factory farm cows have osteoporosis

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Q: What causes rickets or osteoporosis in cattle?
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What is the disease that is caused by lack of calcium?

Rickets, Osteoporosis.

What is the disease caused by lack of calcium?

Calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth. Calcium deficiency can lead to disorders like osteoporosis (brittle bones)

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No. It can cause osteopenia (little+bone) or osteoporosis (holes+bone). In growing children it can cause the disease called Rickets.

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i am Rickets, Polio, osteoporosis, are a few, but there are many

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Anemia, Diabetes, Rickets, Osteoporosis

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Rickets, Hypovitaminosis D

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Osteoporosis is a bone disease that presents as decreased bone density and alteration of proteins in the bone. This causes a much increased risk of bone fractures. There are three classifications of the disease: Postmenopausal osteoporosis (primary type 1) which occurs in women after menopause, senile osteoporosis (primary type 2) which occurs in both males and females over the age of around 75, and secondary osteoporosis which can occur in males and females of any age.

Can vitamins make you dizzy?

Yes it can. Also vitamin D deficiency can cause: - rickets - osteoporosis - depression - hyperparathyroidism - fatigue - obesity

What disease in children in which an inefficient mineralization of the bone forming tissue causes deformities?

rickets also known as osteomalacia

What is causative agent of rickets?

YOLO. Thats what causes rickets. Your cells go off, and they spzz and say Yolo, causin Rickettts

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The disease that causes bones to become weak is called "Osteoporosis".