

What causes rubber to bounce?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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18y ago

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Think about a rubber ball bouncing in slow motion. It hits the floor, the ball changes shape - the bottom flattens a little bit as it continues to press against the floor. Then it must straighten out and take it's natural shape and in doing so, pushes itself against the floor to round out again. The force of the ball taking it's round shape so quickly makes it go back up into the air again. So the harder you throw a ball down, the higher it will go up again.

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Q: What causes rubber to bounce?
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What makes rubber balls bounce?

When a rubber ball is bounced, its molecular structure causes it to compress, but it cannot equalize the pressure by expanding on the other side, so the pent-up energy is rapidly used by decompressing the ball which causes the bounce.

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The rubber incasement the ball is made of as well as the composition of air withing when fully inflated causes a football to bounce.

Does a cold rubber ball bounce?

Well, cold rubber balls do bounce, but warm rubber balls bounce better because when a cold rubber ball hits the floor, it generates heat instead of a rebound effect because the molecules are so close together that they collide with each other.

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The material rubber inside causes the ball to bounce up and can, in other words, be categorized in one of Newton's Laws of should look it up on can quite interesting...(: nikki131313

What is the thing that makes a rubber ball bounce?


Why is rubber used on the outside of balls?

To make them bounce.

What makes a golf ball bounce high?

=== ===

Why are baseballs made of rubber?

Rubber helps Tennis Balls bounce better. If you get the kind of tennis balls with a very solid and not hollow rubber, it won't bounce. If it's hollow it will bounce way better. How could tennis balls not bounce without rubber? Tennis balls are made of rubber because it helps it bounce. This may sound silly, but how could a tennis ball bounce without being made of rubber? Tennis balls need rubber so that when they come into contact with the ground they do not burst or crack. It will dent slightly and go back to its original form. This is an advantage to a tennis ball being made out of rubber. so it can bounce.