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pressure gradient forces high in low pressure areas?

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Q: What causes some winds to be strong and some winds to be weak?
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Which fundamental force causes some forms of radioactivity?

The weak force

Why are strong tornadoes faster then weak tornadoes?

Strong tornadoes do not necessarily move faster, but the faster winds inside the tornado are the reason they're stronger. There are a number of factors affecting the strength of the winds inside a tornado and scientists still do not fully understand them. One factor simply has to do with the amount of energy in the atmosphere that can power a thunderstorm and thus a tornado. A thunderstorm also has to have strong rotation to produce a tornado, especially a strong one. If the rotation in a storm isn't strong enough, then not much of the energy will go into the winds of the tornado. Finally, the tornado's level or organization influences the winds it can generate. A disorganized tornado is unlikely to be able to focus its energy to produce the extreme winds seen in strong tornadoes.

How can tornadoes destroy property?

Tornadoes primarily destroy property through their extremely fast winds. In a strong tornado there winds are strong enough to tear many structures apart or push them over, and sometimes even lift them up. Objects picked up by the winds then become high speed projectiles that can damage what they hit. Weak tornadoes can also destroy structures by bringing trees down on them.

What are the 4 basic forces in nature?

The four fundamental forces of nature are gravity, the electromagnetic force, the strong force (strong nuclear force or strong interaction), and the weak force(weak nuclear force or weak interaction).

How strong are the winds of tornado?

It varies widley from one tornado to another, and most tornadoes will vary in strength during their time on the ground. Weak tornadoes may have peak winds of only about 65 mph. In rare cases, peak winds may exceed 300 mph. Generally weaker tornadoes are more common.

Related questions

Are doldrums characterized by weak winds or strong winds?

weak winds because doldrums are calm winds on the earth.

Are winds strong or weak near the equator?

Trade winds are stronger within the Tropics.

How might atmospheric pressure over the pacific ocean affect how the trade winds blow?

In a normal year the weak winds (trade winds) will switch direction because the strong winds (the atmospheric pressure) is strong enough to push the trade winds up and to turn them around.

What occurs when cold winds are weak from the east?

what occur when cold winds from the east are weak

Can tornadoes get very weak?

Tornadoes can be considered weak. Those are the ones rated EF0 or EF1. But even an EF0 tornado produces strong winds that can cause damage.

What causes 1996 mark 8 transmission to go out?

the transmissions are weak from the factory. and there motors are strong from the factory. you do the math. the transmissions are weak from the factory. and there motors are strong from the factory. you do the math.

Are the tornadoes in California weak or strong?

Most of the tornadoes in California are weak , though a few strong ones have occurred, some as strong as F3.

Is a weak tornado severe?

Any tornado, is considered to be severe weather. Even tornadoes rated as "weak" still pack strong enough winds to damage man-made structures.

Is Sulfur strong or weak?

weak weak

Is washing up liquid a weak or strong alkali?

it is weak and strong because it neutralises acids. So its strong not weak but weak not strong.

How is a tornado weak and strong?

The intensity of tornadoes is rated on the Enhanced Fujita scale based on the severity of the damage they cause. There are six levels that fall into three general groups. EF0 and EF1 tornadoes are referred to as "weak," EF2 and EF3 tornadoes are "strong" and EF4 and EF5 tornadoes are "violent." The use of the word "weak" to refer to some tornadoes is a relative term, as they are not as strong as other tornadoes, but can still cause damage with estimated winds of up to 110 mph.

How fast are tornadoes in California?

As with most areas, the majority of tornadoes in California are weak, with winds under 110 mph. However tornadoes as strong as F3 have been recorded, suggesting winds in excess of 135 mph.