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Q: What causes swelling in the buion area of they foot?
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What causes pain in the instep of foot?

Swelling and pain in the instep of the left foot

Why should applying the ice pack and propping her foot relieve the swelling?

swelling is fluid retention that has accumilated in a small area, raising the foot allows the fluid to flow back up the body. ice cool the blood maybe?

What cause left foot swelling?

Foot swelling can be caused by a variety of illnesses and conditions. Diabetes, phlebitis, and a twisted ankle are some of the reasons. A doctor will need to evaluate and treat the foot swelling.

Do your feet swell with athletes foot?

No. Athlete's foot is a fungal condition that causes, in extreme cases, oozing out of fluids. But swelling of the feet would have another cause. Best check with your doctor.

Swelling of foot?

Swelling of the foot can indicate a condition known as gout. It is caused by too much uric acid in the body, and results in swelling of the hands, fingers, and toes.

Can you have a broken foot even if there is not that much swelling?

Yes it is possible, I broke my foot in two spots and there was barely any swelling.

How are the foot bones involved in the development of a bunion?

A displacement of two major bones of the foot (hallux valgus) causes bunions, although not everyone with this displacement will develop the joint swelling and bone overgrowth that characterize a bunion.

What condition causes a tender spot on outer leg just below know on right leg with swelling down to foot?

could be cellulitus, or a blood clot in the leg

What is pain in the ball of the foot with swelling on the side of the foot?

Pain in the ball of the foot with swelling on the side could be due to a problem with plantar fasciitis. You can see a doctor for treatment or you can prop your foot up and put ice on it to see if it helps.

What is the anatomical makeup of the foot and what are the causes/symptoms of tendonitis in the foot?

Tendonitis is the result of irritation or inflammation of a tendon. Some of the common causes of tendonitis include: repetitive strain, injury, too much strain, or as a result arthritis and/or diabetes. The common symptoms for tendonitis include: restricted movement, pain when the area is moved/touched, burning sensation, swelling and pain when under pressure. These symptoms can range from mild to severe pain and discomfort.

What is the meaning if you have lump in your foot?

A lump in your foot could be soft tissue swelling, a bony problem or a skin problem.

What are causes of lymphedema?

Primary lymphedema is an inherited condition, where the patient is born without lymph vessels and nodes. The swelling associated with primary lymphedema usually occurs during adolescence and affects the foot or calf.