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Could be a number of things.

1. Cold sores get red and sore. There are meds, but one time a Dr. Gott reader wrote in she used Preparation H on her cold sore just as it started to tingle... that is a certain feeling you get before you get the cold sore. I tried it and it works! The cold sore never developed big and ugly like they can. It got a little puffy and sore, but was gone within 3 days.

2. Do you chew on your lower lip when you are thinking or reading? Some people unconsciously chew on their lips, running teeth over them, sucking the lips into their mouths. Or do you run your tongue over your lips to wet them? Maybe they are just chapped and a lip balm could help.

3. Do you eat raw citrus? The citric acid in pineapple and Oranges, etc. can irritate the skin. Rub a little sour cream or milk on the lips afterwards to counter act the acid.

4. You did not say if you are male or female. Maybe shaving products or shaving in general is irritating the area.

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