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Lack of suitable food !

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Q: What causes the cats die in top of the food chain?
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What causes the cats to die in top of the food chain By TC Boyle?

It was the gekoes that killed them because of the DDT

What causes geckos to die top of the food chain?

Geckos are not at the top of the food chain. They are at the bottom.

What happens if a component is left out of the food chain?

If a component is left out of the food chain then something will not be able to eat it. Then it will die, and the component above it in the food chain will not be able to eat it, and will die. Basically, if a component is left out of the food chain, the food chain collapses.

What will happen if all the mice disappear from earth?

The food chain would disrupt. Mouse-eating cats will die, Cat-eating dogs will die, and so on.

Why is it more risky to eat food at the top of the food chain?

If you are at the top of the food chain, if you prey is poisoned or ill, you can die from illness.

What happens to the other predators in food chain?

They die

Where are the snakes in the food chain?

they die all the time

If animals die how does it affect your food chain?

If an animal dies, it affects your food chain; because more animals will die and in the end all the food will run out for predators if they eat to much prey. If you are human it will also affect your food chain because you need meat in your diet.

How does the carabao affect the grassland?

carabaos are buffaloes. so they help in the food chain. only if they die, there will be an adverse effect on the food chain.

What would happen if the food chain ended?

We All Die

Where on the shark is the food chain is that?

shut up die stupied

What is the effect on a food chain if the producer is removed?

If the produce is removed then the food chain will cease to exist. The consumers will then have nothing to eat and so will die.