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Q: What causes the earth to have too many greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere?
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Why would increased levels of greenhouse gases contribute to higher tempertures on earth?

Greenhouse gasses 'trap' the warmth of the sun inside the atmosphere. This causes the air temperature to rise.

Is global warming another term for the greenhouse effect?

No. The greenhouse effect is the process by which certain gasses, called greenhouse gasses, help to trap heat within Earth's atmosphere. This effect has been in place for as long as Earth has had an atmosphere and is necessary for life to exist. Without it, the planet would freeze over. Global warming is primarily the result of an enhanced greenhouse effect, caused by extra geenhouse gasses entering the atmosphere.

How can greenhouse gases create a global temperature rises?

As infrared (mainly emitted from the sun) enters our atmosphere it is partly absorbed as heat and partly reflected back into space. However, when greenhouse gasses are present, they reflect the infrared rays back to earth, preventing some of the heat to escape. This can be useful in maintaining the atmosphere's temperature but when there is a large amount of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere too much heat is trapped, which causes the earth to heat up.

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Earth's atmosphere traps energy from the sun which?

Causes the greenhouse effect.

How do greenhouse gases warm the lower atmosphere?

Greenhouse gasses harm the Earth because they pollute the air and makes our atmosphere thinner. When that happens, it is letting more and more heat in our Earth that drought will happen and water will be lost.

Water vapor and carbon dioxide help trap heat in atmosphere near the surface of earth what are they?

They are greenhouse gasses.

How does the atmosphere trap heat on earth?

The atmosphere uses 4 different temperate layers to trap heat. yeah because if it didn't than we would be cold all the time.

Which component of a volcanic eruption causes warming of the earth?

Emission of water vapor and other greenhouse gasses!

The mixture of gasses that surround the earth?

Atmosphere. It is a mixture of gasses that surrounds the earth.

How are fossil fuels and forrests linked to the greenhouse effect?

when you burn fossil fuels you get greenhouse gasses but that causes global warming so that causes two damages to the earth and enviorment.

Which best explains how greenhouse gasses heat the earth?

They trap the heat from the sun that is reflected by the earth