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The Sun's Gravity

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Q: What causes the objects in the solar system to stay in orbit?
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What causes objects in the solar system to stay in orbit?

it is a force called gravity.

A star and all the objects that orbit it are?

A solar system.

What does gravity cause bodies in your solar system to do?

Gravity causes objects, like planets, to orbit the Sun.

What objects are in orbit outside of the solar system Periodically earth passes through their orbits?

If the objects are in orbit around the sun then they are in the Solar System.

A system of objects in orbit around your sun?

solar system

Why do objects in the solar system move the way they do?

The orbit

What do all the objects in your solar system orbit?

The sun

What causes bodies in the solar system to stay in orbit?

Stay in orbit

What is made up of the sun and all the objects that orbit it?

The Solar System!!

What is made up of the sun all the objects that orbit it?

The Solar System!!

The plantes and other objects that orbit the sun are called constllations or a solar sysrem?

Planets and other objects that orbit the sun are part of a solar system, whereas constellations are patterns of stars as seen from Earth. So, the correct term is a solar system for planets and objects orbiting the sun.

Where is most of the mass in the solar system and what effect does this have?

Most of the mass of the solar system is in the sun. As a consequence all objects in the solar system orbit the sun.