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I have been very ill for several months now and just the other day my Doctor said my thyroids were underactive. Now I'm taking thyroid pills which helped for 3 or 4 days and now I'm back where I started. I wake up with hands and feet sweating and nausea. The right side of my neck and the back of my head is very sore and can hardly turn it. Now he says my pituitary gland is producing too many hormones. I had a CT scan on my head yesterday so I dont have any results yet. What is your opinion on my condition? I feel tired and weak most of the time.

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Q: What causes the right side of neck and back of the head to be sore?
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One great exercise to help correct a stiff neck is to do head rolls. Simply lean your head in the most forward position, roll it to the right and around and back to the front.

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Foramina stenosis, cervical osteoarthritis, stenosis with myelopathy and cervical degenerative disc disease are all common causes of neck pain. Any of these ailments could be responsible for causing the severe neck pain while turning one's head to the right.

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Right or left, it could be 'Ulnar' pain. This actually extends from the neck vertibrae. Try neck exercises, moving your head all around. Otherwise, it may be RA.

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A baby's neck muscles are not strong enough to support the weight of their head. If a baby's head and neck are not properly supported, what can happen is that there will be an injury to the neck and back.