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The rotten smell comes from the cabin air filter. i have the same smell and it is on my list to get my 2000 v-6 sonata back up to par.

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Q: What causes the rotten smell when air is turned on?
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Stinky and Rotten Food,Stinky Air and Bad Water.

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Unknown to me what 'my? Sonata 2005?' is or means, but the smell may come from the chemical Hydrogen sulfide, chemically symbolised as H2S.It is a very poisonous gas that knocks out the nose's ability to detect it after the first sniff. If you smell it (rotten eggs or cesspool) get instantly fresh air.

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Does carbon dioxide smell like rotten eggs?

Abosolutley Not!! If you would like to test... Smell yourself, you are made of carbon too!!

What causes smell of badly rotten fruit in subaru SUV that disappears as soon as ac is turned on no food in car had extensive repair months ago but this is recent?

When the heater core leaks antifreeze into the heater unit it will smell sickly sweet. you may have or had a leak. --- I work with body shops a lot, and a customer had this exact problem. It turned out a baby duck had crawled up inside the wheel well and died in a small crevice that lead into the vehicle and was not easily accessed. When they got into the vehicle they could smell it, it was sickly sweet (I smelled it myself) and reminded me of rotting fruit as well. When they turned the vehicle on and the air conditioner cooled the vehicle the smell would go away. The smell got worse the further into summer they got as the heat outside was worsening the decomposition. You may want to have a shop take a good look around the vehicle to rule this out!