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Most winds on earth are produced by pressure differences. The greater the pressure change over a given distance, the greater the wind speed. Tornadoes produce a large pressure drop over a very short distance, resulting in extremely high winds.

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Q: What causes the speed of a tornado?
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How do they determine wind speed in a tornado?

In most cases the wind speed of a tornado is estimated based on the severity of the damage it causes.

What gauge do scientists use to estimate the wind speed of a tornado?

Scientists usually use the severity of the damage a tornado causes to estimate its wind speed.

How is wind speed determined in a tornado?

Wind speed is usually estimated based on the severity of damage that the tornado causes. In some cases it is measured by Doppler radar or, rarely, with an anemometer inside the tornado.

How do scientists estimate wind speeds of a tornado?

Scientists use the severity of damage that a tornado causes to estimate wind speed.

How do people know how fast a tornado goes?

In terms of how fast a tornado is moving, the tornado is tracked on radar. The forward speed is calculated based on how far it moves in a given period of time. The wind speed of a tornado is estimated based on the severity of the damage it causes.

How do meteorologists infer a tornado's wind speed?

The wind speed of a tornado is inferred from the severity of the damage it inflicts.

Is a tornado strong when the eye is big or small?

A tornado's strength is not determined by the size of its eye. The eye of a tornado is typically small and calm, surrounded by a larger area of intense winds known as the eyewall. The strength of a tornado is measured by its wind speed and the amount of damage it causes, not by the size of its eye.

What causes a tornado's rotation?

The rotation originate from the speed and direction of the wind changing with altitude. This sets air rolling horizontally. This horizontal rolling can be turn vertical by the updraft of a thunderstorm. This can then tighten and intensify to form a tornado.

What causes a tornadoes to spilt?

Tornadoes don't exactly split, but there are multiple vortex tornadoes. A multiple vortex tornado may appear to be composed of several smaller tornadoes but is still in fact one tornado. The process by which this happens is not fully understood, but it begins when a downdraft is forced down the center of the tornado, widening it. If the tornado has the right ratio of rotational speed to vertical speed it can develop a multiple vortex structure.

What is the wind speed of a EF-0 tornado?

The estimated wind speed of an EF0 tornado is 65-85 mph.

What element of thunderstorms causes a tornado?

The rotation in the updraft of a thunderstorm is ultimately what causes a tornado. However, most thunderstorms do not have such rotation.

Why is it important to know a tornado's speed?

It is useful to know the wind speed of a tornado because it provides an understanding of tornado intensity and dynamics. It is important to know the forwards peed of a tornado because that is needed to know when a tornado might reach a location in its path.