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Q: What causes this trend for it to go down on the periodic table?
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What trend in electronegativity do you see as you go down a group-family on the periodic table?

Electronegativity decrease down in a group.

What trend does the first ionization energy follow in the periodic table?

It decreases when going down a group.

What trend the first ionization energy follow in the periodic table?

It decreases when going down a group.

What trend is seen atom size going down the periodic table?

Excepting groups 5-12 of the periodic table.the atomic radius increase down in the group.

What is period trend for electronegativity?

As you move from left to right across the Periodic Table, electronegativity increases, and as you move down the table electronegativity decreases.

What is the period trend for electronegativity?

As you move from left to right across the periodic table, electronegativity increases, and as you move down the table electronegativity decreases.

What trend does electro negativity follow going down the periodic table?

Electronegativity decreases down the group. Metallic character increases.

What trend does electroelectricity follow going down the periodic table?

Electronegativity DECREASES going down a group.

What trend in atomic radius occurs down a group in the periodic table?

Atomic radii increases moving down a group in the Periodic Table due to the increasing energy levels in the electron configuration and electrons filling in energy levels further away from the nucleus.

Is there a density trend on the periodic table?

Density increases down a group on the periodic table. The trend is more complex across a period. Metals are generally more dense than nonmetals, but among metals on a period, density increases to the right.

What explains the observed trend in the atomic radii going down the periodic table?

The more energy levels that are occupied by electrons, the larger the atomic radius.

What is the atomic number and its trend on the periodic table?

The atomic number of an element is the number of protons in the nucleus of one atom of that element. In general, atomic numbers increase as you move to the right and down in the table.