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my 7 year old son taps his hands a lot this seems to be getting worse, now his arm is twitching to, what could it be?

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Q: What causes tics in children?
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Related questions

Tics and what causes them?

sometimes anxiety old add or other disorders can. sometimes its tourettes

Are tics vocal?

Tics may be motor or vocal

What is the predator of tics?

the mosquito is the tics predator. they get rid of them

Do tics occur in bouts?

Tics usually occur in "bouts" with many tics over a short interval of time

What tics but never tocs?

a broken clock that only tics

Can guinea pigs have tics?

Yes, all mammals can have tics.

What causes facial twitching?

Here are some conditions that cause facial tics: anxiety Tourette's Syndrome certain medications A magnesium deficiency is also suspected of causing facial tics.

How do Complex motor tics appear?

Complex motor tics appear slower and more deliberate than simple motor tics

What are Simple vocal tics?

Simple vocal tics are meaningless sounds or noises

What causes physical tics?

Nobody really knows. Stress and lack of sleep seem to play a role, so you might try learning meditation to relieve your stress and make sure you get enough sleep at night. Certain medications can also cause tics, and you need to contact your doctor is you think your medication is causing them because if you don't change the medication, the tics might become permanent.

Can Lexapro cause tics?

There have been some people who reported tics or nervousness after using loratadine. However, the complaints were few and the tics disappeared after stopping the medication.

Can you construct a food web which includes tics?

Can you construct a food web which includes tics?