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Tom realizes his wife, Daisy, has been having an affair with Gatsby when he sees Gatsby's cufflinks in Daisy's possession and notices the strong connection between them during a confrontation at the Plaza Hotel. He also picks up on their subtle gestures and glances that reveal their secret relationship.

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Q: What causes tom to realize his wife has been having an affair with gatsby in The Great Gatsby?
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Who had an affair with Gatsby in The Great Gatsby?


In the great gatsby What does Tom realize at the luncheon?

During the luncheon, Tom becomes aware of the affair between Gatsby and Daisy. This realization leads to a confrontation between Tom and Gatsby, revealing the underlying tensions in the relationships between the characters.

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Nick has a short affair with Jordan Baker in "The Great Gatsby." Jordan is a professional golfer and a friend of Daisy Buchanan.

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How does tom's presence affect the atmosphere of the gatsby's party?

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What doesn't Gatsby realize about Mrs. Sloane's dinner invitation?

Doesn't realize the insincerity of the invitation

What doesn't Gatsby realize about Mrs Sloane's dinner invitation?

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Who wanted to buy toms car in the story the great gatsby?

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