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Q: What causes uncut lemons to harden?
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A catalyst is added to the fiberglass resin to do what?

A catalyst is added to fiberglass resin to initiate the chemical reaction that causes the resin to harden or cure. This process is known as polymerization, and the catalyst helps speed up the curing time of the resin, allowing it to form a strong and durable composite material.

Why do lemons create electricity?

The acid from the lemons causes a chemical reaction with whatever metal you are using to create an electron flow.

What causes limestone to harden with age?

Limestone hardens with age through a process called diagenesis, where pressure, temperature, and fluids cause the original minerals to recrystallize, compact, and bind together more tightly. Additionally, the deposition of new minerals like calcite can further cement the limestone over time, increasing its strength and durability.

What causes more tooth decay lemons or limes?

a science project on that

What is calcifition?

its the calcum salts that build up soft tissue and causes it to harden

What causes concrete to harden?

Chemical reaction of lime and dehydrated gypsum with water.

What causes your lower jaw to harden for 2years?

Spending too much time on your knees

What causes fingernails to be hard?

Keratin... it's a natural substance that makes the nail harden.

What causes a craving for lemons?

Cravings for lemons may be due to a nutrient deficiency, such as vitamin C. Some people may crave lemons due to the sour taste stimulating saliva production. It could also be a psychological or emotional craving.

Why does diabetes cause impaired blood flow?

Prolonged exposure to high blood sugar causes the veins to harden.

Why does Icing on cake harden?

The liquid evaporates, and the sugars re-crystalize. This causes it to become stiffer and more firm.

What is in lemon flavoring?

Lemons lemons lemons sugar water and more lemons