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Q: What causes water droplets to rise from the sea and the ocean into the sky?
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What is it called when a hurricane causes the water in the ocean to rise higher than usual?

surge tide

What is it called when a hurricane causes the water of the ocean to rise much higher than usual?

The storm surge.

What process transport the ocean to a cloud?

Evaporation. The heat of the sun causes water to turn into air molecules and rise into the sky. Once they rise and cool off, the water vapor condenses into clouds

How do cold fronts produce stormy weather?

The cold air wedges underneath a large warm airmass. This causes the warm air to rise up and condensate. The action of the water droplets rubbing together produces a static charge which creates lightning in the storm. The water droplets fall as rain.

What causes the warm moist air to rise?

At the equator, intense sunlight warms the air and causes evaporation of water from the ocean. As the air heats up, it expands and rises.

What exerts a strong pull on water in the ocean?

The Moon's gravitational pull on our planet causes the ebb and flow, (rise and fall), of our earth's oceans.

What causes ocean tides to rise and fall?

The gravitational pull of the moon.

When a full moon causes the ocean to rise what force is at work?


What is the steps of the water cycle?

Step 1: The sun's heat evaporates the water in the ocean. Step 2: The water vapors rise up in the atmosphere and cools to form large droplets of water but not large enough to descend into the earth's surface. Step 3: The water vapors forms clouds which travel into a land. Step 4: The clouds hit a mountain and is compelled to rise up even further thus forming larger droplets of water. Step 5:The larger droplets of water fall into the mountains and valleys as rain or snow. Step 6: This snow accumulates in the mountain peak as glaciers and are the source of most rivers or the water accumulates in lakes which are the source of some rivers. Step 7: The water in the rivers finds its way into the ocean and the cycle is repeated again.

What is the result of evaporation?

After evaporation there is a lot of water vapor in the air that will rise until it condenses into water droplets from the cold air. Evaporation just turns water (liquid) into vapors that rise (gas form).

The cyclical rise or fall of ocean water?


What is the rise and the fall of ocean water called?

The tide