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A rise in the white blood cells may be due to a number of reasons, these are;

Stress, Bacterial infections, Intense excercise, Leukemia, Inflammation and Trauma

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A rise in the white blood cells may be due to a number of reasons, these are; Stress, Bacterial infections, Intense excercise, Leukemia, Inflammation and Trauma.

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What is the clinical significance of white blood cell count?

A rise in the number of circulating white blood cells may indicate an infection.Above 10,000 = leukocytosisBelow 5,000 = leukopenia

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The cause of the fever is quite an intricate process. Our blood and lymphatic systems produce white blood cells which are what fight off infection. As our white blood cells increase in number, like an army to fight the germs, they go faster and faster attacking the germs, this causes our bodies to heat up, thus causing the fever or rise in body temperature

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When there is an infection the wbc will rise up in number.

What does WBC count mean?

WBC stands for White Blood Cells. The count refers to the number of white blood cells in the body. In general, the lower the number of cells below normal the less able you are to fight infection. When the number rises above normal, that usually means you are busy fighting an infection. There are sub-types of white blood cells, too, each of which can rise and fall for various reasons. White Blood Count Is a result of 2.9 L x10^3/uL normal for a white blood cell test?

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A rapid rise in the number of red blood cells

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Pyrogens: A chemical circulating in the blood that causes a rise in body temperature.

Can pneumonia cause white blood cells to rise to 22000?

Normally it wouldn't cause them to go quite that high but yes it can! If its really severe it can!

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How psoriasis occurs?

Psoriasis is caused when a person has to much stress, has relatives with the skin condition, or when a person smokes. This causes a lack of Vitamin D causing your white blood cells to reproduce to quikly therefor making the extra ones to rise to your skin.

What does myeloid mean?

Myeloid refers to cells in the bone marrow that give rise to white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. Myeloid cells are part of the immune system and play a role in fighting infection and inflammation.

What type of cell gives rise to all blood cells?

Pluripotent haematopoietic stem cells are the precusor/progenitor cells of all blood cells.

What disease affects the white blood cells?

There are acute and chronic neoplastic diseases affecting the white blood cells. then you have various Infectious Diseases which affect the white blood cell count. Typically the intracellular infections give rise to low or normal blood cell count. Like viral infections (except infectious mononucleosis, perhaps), reckettsial fevers, chlamydia, typhoid and malarial fever. Almost all the extracellular infections give rise to increased white blood cell count. This happens probably because the intracellular organisms are not available for phagocytosis and extracellular organisms are available for phagocytosis.