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This sounds like Carpel tunnel syndrome. Which is the result of pressure being put on the median nerve as it passes from the wrist into the hand leading to prosthesis, numbness and eventually muscle weakness in the hand. Waking up during the night as a result of pain or discomfort is a normal part carpal tunnel syndrome. It can be helpful before treatment to splint the hands in such a way as to stop them from making a fist during the night. this reduces the tingling and pain to some extent. I had this problem as a result of the inflammation that comes with Rheumatoid arthritis. I ended up getting carpel tunnel release surgery done to both hands (at different times) and have no problem at all with it now. the procedure is known as carpal tunnel release surgery. This is effective at relieving the symptoms and preventing further nerve damage. the sooner this problem is dealt with the better because established nerve dysfunction in the form of static (constant) numbness and muscular atrophy or weakness can often turn out to be permanent.

Carpel tunnel Syndrome affects the hand from the thumb to the middle (lengthwise) of the ring finger. If the the tingling and numbness is occurring in the pinkie side of the hand and halfway across the ring finger you may have a problem with ulna nerve compression which can occur in the wrist elbow joint shoulder or neck. Whichever it is it is wise to get it attended to before permanent damage occurs to nerves and muscles.

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10y ago

Could be poor circulation or it could be neurological.

It could be clogged arteries in the blood stream.

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10y ago

You might be sleeping in a position that pinches a nerve or that pinches your brachial artery, like if you sleep with your head on your arm.

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Q: Hands become numb and hurt at night when you try to sleep?
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