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The most important cells are the cardiac muscles cells that do the pumping.

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Q: What cell is important to cells in the heart?
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How do you Compare your brain cell from heart cell?

cardiac cells are specialized muscle cells brain cells are nerve cells

Can heart cells come from bone cells?

no, heart cells and bone cells are mature and cannot change into each other. However, a stem cell can become a heart cell or bone cell or any other cell depending on where in the body it is.

What is a heart cell?

Most cells in the heart are cardiac muscle cells.

Are the cells in the skin of your hand the same size as the cells in your heart?

The cell in your hand are bigger/same size the cell in your heart.

What type of cell is a heart cell?

The heart cells are muscle, the type called involuntary muscle.

How does a heart cell knows it's a heart cell?

Cells produce an enormous amount of molecules of which some (many) act as messengers and activators or inhibitors. When heart cells receive stimulation from other heart cells with certain molecules, they "know" what they are and that they should keep on being heart cells.

Why is cell division important as related to the size of cells?

Cell division is important as related to the size of cells. This is because cell division will take a lot longer in larger cells.

How does a liver cell differ from a heart cell?

brain cells are activated by brain genes and heart cells are activated by heart genes. that's how they function, by their genes

Why is cell important?

Cells are important because everything is basically made of cells.

Which cells might be used in a laboratory to make a heart cell?

Liver cells

Which important cells do most animals cells have?

all cells in an animal cell is important they all function together to make the animal cell properly function

Why can liver cells create enzyme and heart cells cannot?

because the liver cell uses different genes than the heart cells use