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white blood cells

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Q: What cells move easily through blood vessels?
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What kind of blood vessels allow substances to enter and leave the blood easily around the cells?

Capillaries. they have such thin walls that substances can easily diffuse through them.

How can red blood cells move through blood vessels so easily?

They move easy because they can bend a little and fold a little. So that they can squeeze through.

What the cause for theblood to flow through the blood vessels?

Blood doesn't flow through blood vessels, there are blood vessels in your blood known as red blood cells and white blood cells. The red blood cells carry oxygen and the white help fight diseases.Your blood flows through a system of artries and viens.

How are blood cells and platelets transported through the body?

Blood cells and platelets are suspended in blood plasma (mostly water) and moved through the body in blood vessels (arteries, veins & capillaries). The blood is forced through the blood vessels by the heart.

Why red blood cells do not contain blood vessels?

Red blood cells are too small to contain blood vessels. They are cells and they travel in blood vessels.

Why red blood cells have to be so small?

so that they can fit through blood vessels

Do blood vessels transport cells?

Yes. Blood vessels transport blood cells.

What is the compared shape of a red blood cell to that of a sickle cell?

The red blood cells have a sickle shape, hence the name. They receive this shape from a protein in normal blood cells that is mutated. They carry less blood and block veins and capillaries easily.

Why is blood pumped through blood vessels all over body?

Blood is pumped through blood vessels all over your body to clean your blood cells and mabye to give oxygen i think :D <3

Are the only blood cells that function entirely in blood vessels?

The only blood cells that function entirely within the blood vessels are red blood cells.

What blood vessels do nutrients pass through in order to reach the body's cells?


Does oxygen travel all around your body to your cells through your blood vessels?
