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Q: Which of the following cells rely on anaerobic metabolism for ATP production?
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What type of metabolism is RBC cells?

Red blood cells (RBCs) have an anaerobic metabolism. They lack mitochondria, which are responsible for aerobic metabolism, so RBCs rely solely on anaerobic processes to produce energy. RBCs primarily generate energy through glycolysis, converting glucose into ATP to fuel their functions.

How is glucose broken down in anaerobic respiration?

As a result of anaerobic metabolism in cells, glucose is converted in the cytoplasm to lactic acid without employing the electron transport change.

What fuels is least preferred by the cells for energy production during highly anaerobic exercise?


What is cellular metabolism?

There are two basic kinds of cellular metabolism. One is the krebs cycle (citric acid cycle) which all aerobic organisms use to produce energy, Anaerobic metabolism can occur in several mechanisms, but is mostly commonly called "fermentation"

What is the process by which cells use oxygen to turn food into energy?

Respiration ---- * areobic respiration which requires oxygen * anaerobic doesn't require oxygen aerobic respiration needs glucose and oxygen. During anaerobic respiration the glucose is only partly broken down to form lactic acid and energy.

Is squamous cell carcinoma aerobic or anerobic?

Aerobic and anaerobic are terms usually applied to bacteriae, in which we differ between different levels of "air tollerance". A squamous cell carcinoma is a neoplasm consisting of the body's own cells (allthough the cells have undergone a transformation into tumor cells). The cells in our body are aerobic (allthough they can metabolize nutrients anaerobically for a short time; the anaerobic metabolism is not efficient enough for survival). therefore the cells of a carcinoma are aerobic.

What is anaerobic metabolism?

The body's metabolic process usually involves the oxidation of glucose. When the body cannot get enough oxygen to meet the demands for energy, cells begin using the anaerobic process (without oxygen). This process breaks down glucose and glycogen to lactic acid which then diffuses into the blood stream. The result of anaerobic metabolism can be seen in athletes who are rapidly using energy, at a faster rate than oxygen can be re-supplied to the muscles. Lactic acid build up impedes muscle functions, causing pain and sometimes nausea.

Which part of the body is responsible for the production of insulin which regulate the metabolism of cardohydrates fats and starches?

The pancreas is the organ. The beta cells in the islets of Langerhans are the specific cells that produce insulin.

Accumulates as the end product of anaerobic respiration in muscle cells?

The ending product of anaerobic respiration in muscle cells is lactic acid.

Do human cells create carbon dioxide at low oxygen conditions?

No there are situations where do excrete carbon dioxide. Conditions of low oxygen can force cells to rely solely upon anaerobic metabolism. The buildup in lactic acid during exercise is a consequence of this.

The ATP CP pathway is considered aerobic metabolism?

No Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and Creatine Phosphate (CP) provide anaerobic sources of phosphate-bound energy. The energy liberated from hydrolysis (splitting) CP rebonds ADP and Pi to form ATP.

An anaerobic metabolic pathway that results in the production of two net ATP per glucose plus two pyruvic acid molecules is?

Glycolysis is an ATP-generating metabolism that takes place in almost all living cells. It refers to the process of breaking down glucose or other sugars and converting them into pyruvic acid.