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it controlls heartbeat, breathing rate, blood pressure and body temp. Invoulantay .

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Q: Major centers concerned with autonomic control of breathing blood pressure heart rate and digestive activities are located in the A pons B diencephalons C cerebellum D midbrain E medulla oblongata?
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Is breathing somatic or autonomic?

Since you don't have to think about breathing, it is automatic.

Breathing is a function controlled by the autonomic nervous system?

The nervous system controls breathing rate.

Will difficulty in breathing reflect damage to respiratory centers located in the cerebellum?

No, difficulty in breathing is not typically associated with damage to the respiratory centers located in the cerebellum. The cerebellum is primarily involved in coordinating motor movements and balance, not respiration. Damage to the respiratory centers located in the brainstem, particularly in the medulla oblongata, is more likely to affect breathing function.

Will difficulty breathing reflect damage to the respiratory centers located in the cerebellum?


What does the cerebellum part of brain do?

what does the cerebellum control in the brain, my husband had a stroke many years ago but trouble breathing please answer my question

What is the main job of the lower part of the brainstem?

The lower portion of the Brain Stem is called the Medulla Oblongata. Its job is to control Cardiac and Respiratory Centers and deals with autonomic and involuntary functions such as breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure.

Which division of the autonomic system keeps you breathing when you fall asleep?

The parasympathetic division.

Difficulty in breathing may reflect damage to respiratory centers located in the cerebellum?


Where are the main integrating centers for most autonomic reflexes?

The primary autonomic center of the brain is the Medulla Oblongata which is responsible for autonomic functions such as breathing, heart rate and blood pressure.

What does pons and medulla have in common?

The pons is a bulb that is cranial (towards the crown of the skull) with respect to the medulla oblongata (in turn caudal -- towards the tailbone, with respect to the pons). The pons relays sensory information between the cerebellum and the cerebrum, while also regulating arousal and breathing. The medulla controls blood pressure, heart rate, breathing and other autonomic functions.

What is the word for something your body does automatically but you can also do manually like breathing or blinking?


Does the cerebellum controls the heart rate?

No. The medulla controls heart rate, along with breathing and digestion.