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Q: What challenges are facing the tapirs and their survival as a species?
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Do tapirs hibernate?

Baby tapirs sleep as normal as other animals in the wild they do tend to sleep close to keep warm.

How do you cook tapirs?

dont even think about it, they are an endangered species

How many tapirs species exist?

Two. The Malayan and South American.

What do tapirs weigh when they get older?

According to the species, between 150 and 300Kgs

How do you get tapirs in zoo tycoon 2?

So you want to know how to get tapirs in zoo tycoon 2? well forget it, go get zoo tycoon 1 that has tapirs. Wrong! You can get the Zoo Tycoon 2 Endangered Species expansion pack (I got mine online, not in stores) and then you will get to house tapirs. Plus you get to...never mind. I dont want to spoil anything!

Are tapirs extinct?

No, there are still 4 species of tapir left in the wild which live in Mexico and south America and have an estimated collective population of 7,000+ individuals. 3 of the 4 species are Endangered according to the IUCN red list of threatened species and one is Vulnerable. This is due to the declining trend in population numbers globally.

Do boa constrictors eat tapirs?

No, Tapirs are herbivores, Jaguars and Anaconda are the tapirs predators.

What animals are related to the malayan tapir?

These animals are all species of tapirs that are related to the Malayan Tapir:Mountain TapirBaird's TapirSouth American Tapir

Do people eat tapirs?

Humans have been known to hunt the tapir for its meat and skin. Some species of tapir are threatened or endangered for this reason.

How many babies can tapirs have?

Tapirs are large mammals that look a bit like a hairy pig. There are no solid numbers, but there are efforts to help conserve all species.

What is the collective noun for a group of tapirs?

The collective noun is a candle of tapirs.

What is a baby tapirs?

Baby tapirs are are called calves..One is called a calf.